Medical Malpractice

Medical Malpractice Lawyers in Elmira, NY 


When it comes to your health and well-being, your biggest advocates include your medical care team. Once someone on your team makes a mistake with your medical care, it can adversely impact your health. Medical malpractice lawyers will listen to your situation, determine if you have a case, and develop a comprehensive strategy to file a claim efficiently. 



How to Know If You Have a Medical Malpractice Case 


Over the last decade, the medical industry has seen a drastic uptick in malpractice lawsuits. As a result, malpractice law has had to go through active development to weed out false claims. The team at Barton Law Firm, LLP believe its important for our clients to understand what constitutes a legitimate malpractice claim. The following four components must be in place to begin a malpractice suit:


  • An established doctor-patient relationship 
  • A “breach” of standard medical care that illustrates negligence 
  • A direct and seemingly causal connection between the provider’s treatment and the patient’s harm 
  • Proof of quantifiable damage or injury as a result of a medical providers treatment 



In malpractice law, the plaintiff must be able to prove that their health provider treated them below the required medical standard as well as establish that the adverse impact on a patients health was a direct result of negligence.



Steps in Medical Malpractice Claim 


The first step before filing a claim is to contact the acting physician or medical provider. This move indicates that you sought medical advice and shared the adverse effects of the procedure with your health provider. Communicating with your medical provider also shows that you attempted to have the procedure corrected. 



After speaking with your provider, if you’re still not satisfied with the results or the provider is refusing to rectify the problem, the next steps include contacting the medical licensing board and getting a second medical opinion.



At Barton Law Firm, LLP, our highly skilled medical malpractice lawyers will help build your case. For more information or to schedule a consultation, contact us today. 



To have your questions answered or to schedule a time to come into our office for a consultation, contact us today at 607-732-2222.